International Coordination
Anthroposophic Medicine
School of Spiritual Science
Medical Section at the Goetheanum

CARE II: Dealing with fever and infectious diseases

The growing worldwide resistance to antibiotics requires much more cautious use of antibiotics when treating acute infectious diseases. What can Anthroposophic Medicine contribute in this situation? What possibilities does it offer that go beyond just focusing on the pathogens, how does it therapeutically guide and support a patient’s inflammatory response, and strengthen the person’s immunological resources, both acutely and preventatively? Which procedures have proven successful? How can Anthroposophic Medicine benefit patients with infectious diseases, whether acute or long-term?
For frequent infectious diseases in childhood and adulthood, the CARE II-expert group of the Medical Section develops multiprofessional therapeutic concepts of Anthroposophic Medicine.
Results of the CARE II work can be accessed at Anthromedics: