International Coordination
Anthroposophic Medicine
School of Spiritual Science
Medical Section at the Goetheanum

International Research Council

1. What is the purpose of the Research Council?

The Anthroposophic Medicine Research Council (AM RC) facilitates and promotes anthroposophic medical research and its contribution to the global field of patient-centered healthcare. The AM RC represents the global network of scientists promoting AM research. The RC aims to generate valid, innovative and sustainable concepts for prevention and treatment, while integrating life sciences and spiritual science. The RC intends to contribute to individual, public and planetary health. 

2. How is the Research Council organized?

The coordinator of the Research Council, Prof. Dr. med. Erik Baars initiates most of its activities. The coordinator is supported by an advisory board (Prof. Dr. David Martin (university of Witten-Herdecke) and Dr. Friedemann Schad (Forschungsinstitut Havelhöhe)). Researchers in the field of Anthroposophic Medicine can become a member of the Research Council. The AM RC has several working groups on research topics, on the organization of the annual AM Research Congress and on PR & communication issues. During the AM RC meetings and congresses the reports of the working groups and core questions of AM research are discussed. 

3. What does the Research Council do?

The AM RC:

  • meets several times per year (online) and annually within the context of the Medical Section's annual autumn conference and before the Research Conference in March (live)
  • organizes an annual live AM research congress (March)
  • promotes high quality standards of research
  • studies all essential aspects of human health on the physiological, psychosocial and spiritual level
  • organizes communication and promotes a critical dialogue within the AM scientific community
  • advises the Leadership of the Medical Section and the IKAM Coordinators when needed
Prof. Dr. Erik Baars
International Coordination Research:

Prof. Dr. Erik Baars