International Coordination
Anthroposophic Medicine
School of Spiritual Science
Medical Section at the Goetheanum

Content Preparation for the World Conference »Crossing Bridges – Being Human!«

While the world is holding its breath globally, worried about infecting each other, it may be helpful to seek a deeper form of inspiration. We are concerned with the phenomenon of microbial infection and the danger posed by the omnipresent coronavirus – an information carrier whose message will occupy the world for some time to come. We are asking ourselves: would it be possible to infect each other in a good sense, through words, through the right ideas, through empowering ideals, from which the future of a therapeutic community in a healthy healthcare system can arise?

100 years ago Rudolf Steiner gave three seminal lectures on the inner development of Anthroposophic Medicine. At their center is the mystery of warmth – which forms a bridge between the four elements and the four ethers. Warmth ignites the possibility of contagious enthusiasm for an ideal, allowing light-filled orientation and strength to penetrate our lives. While abstract thoughts and theories paralyze our existence, our task today is rather one for the heart: how can I penetrate myself with an ideal in such a way that it becomes a health-giving seed of life that reaches into my body and my surroundings?

In these lectures known as the “bridge lectures” we find the three royal ideals of freedom, love and wisdom, which are traced back to their original principles. Freedom seems to be drastically threatened in all areas today. Loving touch and interpersonal encounters are limited by demands for deliberate isolation. It is especially in the loneliness of each individual that the inner search for the origin of these three ideals of humanity may become a source of strength. Where can I inwardly explore to discover and develop the sources of my inner freedom and capacity for love? And how can I approach the ideal of wisdom in a time of diverse and sometimes even contradictory information?

Crossing Bridges – Being Human! is the title of our world conference to mark the 100th anniversary of Anthroposophic Medicine. We want to build bridges. Bridges from a purely scientific world view to a spiritual art of healing with the human being at its center. We would like to encourage you to look at the current world crisis against the background of building bridges between natural science and the moral-spiritual dimension and thus prepare the content of our conference together. Michaelic endeavor to gain knowledge and courage is just as necessary for this as Raphaelic exchange about concrete remedies, therapies, or moments of reflection on the actual task that is currently facing humanity.

We would be glad if you would like to work with the bridge lectures against the background of the current world situation, either alone or in small working groups, in writing or in video conferences. You can find quotes and ideas here at the webside. A completely new edition of the bridge lectures has recently been published in German and English by the Ita Wegman Institute and can be ordered from We also welcome your concrete questions or thoughts, which can be shared with us at

Organization of regional Conferences and questions for a shared worldwide preparatory work

Details on the organization of regional conferences can be found here. Below you can find the questions for a shared worldwide preparatory work.

How can I penetrate myself with an ideal in such a way that it becomes a health-giving seed of life that reaches into my body and my surroundings?

Where can I inwardly explore to discover and develop the sources of my inner freedom and capacity for love?

How to connect to Michael and Raphael? What do they inspire?

In the course of time, contributions will also be published under those links. Connect to:

Special edition – Rudolf Steiner's Bridge lectures!

"I am currently circulating the December 1920 lectures and Hygiene among people so that everyone will have read them by the time of the course."

Helene von Grunelius in preparing the first course for young medics

Rudolf Steiner's Bridge lectures have been republished in English and German as a special edition by the Ita Wegman Verlag. The booklet appears under the title "The Bridge from the Physical to the Spiritual and Moral". It is available for €15 / CHF 18 and can be acquired as of now from bookshops, from or also at the conference itself.
Meanwhile the Bridge lectures are published in Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic as well in the design of the special edition and in addition will soon be published in Japanese.
Some of those languages can be donwloaded for free:
Chinese edition details:  


Die Brücke vom Physischen zum Geistig-Moralischen
Rudolf Steiner (Author), Hsuean Wei (Translator), Usha Tsai (Editor), Kiran Hwuang (Book design)
Hardback: 80 pages
Publisher: Cosmosweaving Co.,Ltd. ( October 2020)
Language: Chinese
ISBN-13: 978-986-91986-7-7 
Product Dimensions:210mm x 150mm

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The bridge lectures are now available in Thai.
For more information on the book or to order the book, please contact the following email address: